Poster Presentations and Awards

The ADM will have an exciting and interactive format for the 2021 virtual meeting. Attendees will have the availability to browse through the virtual poster hall and view the submitted abstracts, digital posters and short video presentations.  Chat and interaction features will also be available between the author and the viewers.

All approved authors are required to submit a digital poster file onto the ADM virtual platform.  In addition to a digital poster file, each presenter is encouraged to pre-record (on own) a short 5-7 minute video (Zoom or similar with no more than 5 power point slides) for upload to your personal virtual poster page. The video must be mp4 format file. Each poster page can have up to 5GB of content related to the presentation, which includes an Abstract, Digital Poster, and Presentation Video.

Please format using the ADM templates below:

Click Here to Download the ADM 2021 Poster Template

Click Here to Download the ADM 2021 Slide Template

Log in and upload instructions will be emailed on or before September 29, 2021.

Abstracts will be published in a special issue of the journal Dental Materials.
Click here to see (2019) ADM Annual Meeting Abstracts published in Dental Materials.


Abstract submission open: end of May 2021
Abstract submission deadline: July 18, 2021 … extended to July 25, 2021

Final Acceptance for Oral: by August 10, 2021… extended to August 20, 2021
Final Acceptance for Posters: by August 31, 2021
Pre-Registration for Presenters: September 7, 2021

As we are hosting a virtual platform for the ADM 2021 conference, the format of entry and presentation of both the Paffenbarger Award and the Marshall Postdoctoral Award will differ slightly this year:

Paffenbarger Award:

  • All eligibility criteria remain the same.  Link to >>Paffenbarger eligibility
  • Upon Oral or Poster abstract submission (deadline: July 25) select the option to be considered for the Award.
  • All shortlisted applicants will be notified by Aug 31 .
  • Shortlisted applicants are required to prepare a 5-minute slide presentation (max. 5 slides) using the virtual conference platform.
  • During the virtual conference the Finalists will be invited to defend their presentation in a closed forum (accessible to the judging panel of the Award Committee).
  • The winner will be decided by the ADM Paffenbarger Award Committee based upon their presentation defense and announced during the virtual conference.

Marshall Award:

  • All eligibility criteria remain the same.  Link to >>Marshall eligibility
  • Upon Oral abstract submission (deadline: July 25) select the option to be considered for the Award.
  • Submit your C.V. (2 page maximum) and verification document to [email protected] by July 25.
  • All shortlisted applicants will be notified by Aug 15.
  • Shortlisted applicants are required to submit, 1) the extended two-page abstract to [email protected] by Sept 10th, and 2) a 10-minute slide presentation (max. 7 slides) using the virtual conference platform
  • During the virtual conference the Finalists will be invited to defend their presentation in an open forum (accessible to all delegates).
  • The winner will be decided by the ADM Postdoctoral Award Committee based upon their presentation defense, C.V. and extended abstract and announced during the virtual conference.

Presenter and Number of Abstracts:
The delegate who is submitting this abstract paper should be the “Presenting” delegate. Presenting delegate must be an author (1st Author or Co-Author), register for the meeting and is limited to present one (1) poster or (1) oral.

Poster Template:
Click Here to Download the ADM 2021 Poster Template

Format for Abstract Submission:
Purpose, Methods and Materials, Results, Conclusion.
Presentation title will be limited to 10 total words or less
Abstract paper will be limited to 400 words or less

Colleagues who need to incorporate a table, image, graph or chart into their abstract paper must post at the end of your abstract paper, according to the following guidelines:

  • Presenter can only submit one (1) Table OR one (1) Graph OR one (1) Image
  • Tables are posted in the HTML Table Box at bottom of form. Use the “Table” ICON to insert table. Only one (1) table will be accepted.
  • If presenter is not posting a Table, one (1) image, graph or chart may be inserted into abstract if needed. Graphs or charts must be converted to an image file and less than 5 MB (Megabytes)
  • Acceptable image file extensions formats: .jpg .gif .png .jpeg

Disclosure Statement*
• ADM requests that all speakers shall disclose any affiliation with any financial interest in a company or a product related to the subject matter of the presentation as a part of the Speaker’s Agreement.
• The intent of this policy is not to prevent a speaker with an affiliation or financial interest from making a presentation, but any potential conflict must be identified openly so that the attendees have the full disclosure of the facts and may form their own judgments about the presentation.
• Any portion of the information submitted below will be shared with the attendees to gain perspective on the educational merits of the presentation.

A potential conflict of interest does not exist. Neither I nor any member of my family has any financial arrangement or affiliation with a corporate organization offering financial support for ADM. Nor do I have a financial interest in a commercial product or service that I will discuss in my presentation. Therefore, my presentation is unbiased in nature.

BIASED PRESENTATION – A potential conflict of interest does exist. I or a member of my family has a financial arrangement or affiliation with a corporate organization offering financial support for ADM. Or, I have a financial interest in a commercial product or service that I will discuss in my presentation. Therefore, my presentation is biased in nature.